E-Newsletter July 2008 #3

Here is your update on TACA (Talk About Curing Autism). If you are new to our site... WELCOME! This newsletter is produced two to four times each month.

We are an autism education and support group. We want to make this e-newsletter informative for you. As always, contact us your thoughts and/or questions so we can improve it.

We focus on parent information and support, parent mentoring, dietary intervention, the latest in medical research, special education law, reviews of the latest treatments, and many other topics relating to autism. Our main goal is to build our community so we can connect, share and support each other.

Talk About Curing Autism (TACA) provides general information of interest to the autism community. The information comes from a variety of sources and TACA does not independently verify any of it. The views expressed herein are not necessarily TACA’s.

In this edition:

1. Find a TACA Meeting
2. News Coverage of Michael Savage's Comments About Autism
3. Savage's Comments Infuriate Autism Community
4. Congressional Autism Caucus Blasts Savage Attack on Children with Autism

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1 Find a TACA Meeting
Come to a TACA Meeting!

TACA holds monthly meetings in many locations throughout the United States that feature educational speakers on important topics and allow family members to connect with one another and stay on top of the latest information in the autism world. Each TACA group maintains a resource library of the latest autism books and tapes that can be checked out by members at no charge.

Check out our group listings: each contains information on TACA meetings and special events as well as a contact form.

Are you wondering what happens at a TACA meeting? Watch our video.

2 News Coverage of Michael Savage

Good Morning America: TACA Press Liasion Becky Estepp speaks out
Savage: 'Don't act like a moron.'
Upset parents of autistic children react to Michael Savage's comments
Watch Video

San Diego 10 News
Talk show host comments upset parents of autistic children
Watch Video

3. Savage's Comments Infuriate Autism Community

Autism Researchers, Groups Find Common Ground in Condemning Radio Jock

By Dan Childs
ABC News Medical Unit
July 21, 2008

As autism organizations and medical professionals alike voice their outrage at inflammatory comments made by controversial talk radio host Michael Savage, about most autistic children simply being "brats," the head of the network that employs him appears to be taking measures to pull out of a public relations tailspin.

Savage, who in the past, has taken aim at the legitimacy of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other behavioral disorders, called autism a "fraud" and a "racket" during his July 16 broadcast, adding that "[i]n 99 percent of the cases, it's a brat who hasn't been told to cut the act out."

In light of strong public reaction to his statements, Savage issued a statement, further explaining his comments.

"My comments about autism were meant to boldly awaken parents and children to the medical community's attempt to label too many children or adults as 'autistic'," the statement read.

"Just as some drug companies have overdiagnosed 'ADD' and 'ADHD' to peddle dangerous speed-like drugs to children as young as 4 years of age, this cartel of doctors and drug companies is now creating a national panic by overdiagnosing 'autism,' for which there is no definitive medical diagnosis!"

In a response to ABC News' request for comment, Mark Masters, the CEO of Talk Radio Network, sent the same statement that had been posted on Savage's Web site.

The statement has done little to blunt reactions to his strong comments, which have forged an unlikely alliance between a number of autism groups that claim doctors are overlooking the true causes of the disorder, and autism researchers in the mainstream medical community.

"I would say it is the lowest form of attention-seeking, and the best response is silence," said Dr. Nancy Minshew, director of the Center for Excellence in Autism Research (CeFAR) at the University of Pittsburgh. "Tune out and his sponsors will turn him off. Declare a day of mourning for those who suffer and a day of prayer for those who care by not calling or responding."

"I think we're seeing a trend within talk radio -- anger toward people with autism," said Kim Stagliano, managing editor of the popular blog Age of Autism. "As we learn more about autism, there seems to be an acceptable level of tolerance within society, but within talk radio, the sympathy has turned into scorn."

And Rebecca Estepp, national manager of the autism advocacy group Talk About Curing Autism (TACA) says Masters has e-mailed her organization and invited them, along with the National Autism Association, to be guests on Savage's show to "make amends with the autism community."

But it is unclear whether the autism community is ready to bury the hatchet.

"Michael Savage is spectacularly uninformed about this major national health crisis," Estepp said. "His comments were beyond insulting and are tantamount to blaming parents for their child's cancer.

"Perhaps 99 percent of his listeners should stop tuning in."

Groups Differ on Appropriate Response

Autism experts say Savage's statements threaten to alter the public's understanding of the disorder.

"It is unfortunate that, just as the public is beginning to be better informed about autism and related disorders, a prominent individual in the media with a wide audience should spread misinformation," said Katherine Loveland, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and pediatrics at the University of Texas Medical School in Houston. "Although it's his right to believe and to say what he wishes, his statements should not go un-challenged by the medical, scientific and advocacy communities."

But, while those in the autism community overwhelmingly disagree with Savage's viewpoint, there is as yet no consensus as to what action, if any, should be taken.

Some say that ignoring the comments is the best approach.

"Mr. Savage is obviously a complete ignoramus, who knows not the first thing about autism," said Deborah Fein, autism researcher and professor of psychology at the University of Connecticut. "However, I doubt he believes what he said; he is obviously just trying to get media and public attention, which he has succeeded in doing."

"The less attention given to Mr. Savage, the better," agreed Marguerite Kirst Colston, spokeswoman for the Autism Society of America.

But, the nation's other major autism groups have suggested that a stronger response is needed. In a statement issued today, the National Autism Association said that representatives from the organization have agreed to be on a panel on Savage's show to respond.

"We've asked for an apology, a retraction, and a chance to get to our side on this issue," the statement read. "We don't want to respond with an attack, we want to educate him and his listeners."

The advocacy group Autism Speaks urged a response in the interest of further educating the public about the nature of autism.

"One important goal of increasing awareness about autism is to foster a greater level of acceptance and understanding of the very real and significant challenges it poses to individuals with the disorder and their families," read a statement issued today by Autism Speaks. "[T]here are those who are apparently incapable of feeling compassion. They deserve our pity, not our scorn."

Stagliano disagreed: "We don't need to 'pity' Mr. Savage, like Autism Speaks suggests; we need to educate him."

4. Congressional Autism Caucus Blasts Savage Attack on Children with Autism

U.S. House of Representatives
Coalition for Autism Research and Education
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                 CONTACT:  MATT DINKEL 202-225-2135
                                                                                                                   RYAN GOODWIN 202-225-3765

Congressional Autism Caucus
Blasts Savage Attack on Children with Autism
Washington, DC – July 18, 2008 - U.S. Representatives Mike Doyle (PA-14), Chris Smith (NJ-4), today criticized syndicated talk show host Michael Savage for his recent comments disparaging families with autistic children and questioning cases of autism spectrum disorders as frauds.
“The medical evidence that autism is a real neurological condition is overwhelming and unequivocal,” Congressman Doyle said this morning.  “That’s why it’s so disturbing that Michael Savage would make such an uninformed statement about autism as he did.”
“This gives us an opportunity to educate and inform the public that autism is the nation’s fastest growing developmental disability and is reaching epidemic proportions in the U.S.  Now is a time for steadfast commitment to advance treatments and services for this growing disability,” said Rep. Chris Smith.  
One out of every 150 children in the United States has an autism spectrum disorder.  The range and severity of symptoms of autism vary from case to case, but symptoms often include difficulties in communicating and interacting with other individuals and exhibiting repetitive behaviors and intense interests in specific subjects.  The care involved in treating these symptoms often requires hours of intensive therapy every week - regimens that are often inaccessible or unaffordable for many families.  With early intervention and concentrated treatment, the symptoms of autism spectrum disorder can be mitigated, enabling individuals with autism and their families to participate fully in their communities.
“After years of inadequate funding, the advocacy of the congressional autism caucus and many non-profits has helped to realize more than a 5 fold jump in autism funding over the past 10 years.  We need to continue with this momentum, and these unfortunate comments do nothing to help the lives of those suffering with this often debilitating disorder,” Rep. Chris Smith said.
“I understand that shock jocks get the big bucks for being as obnoxious and controversial as possible – but there’s no reason we have to stand idly by and let him boost his market share at the expense of families who are dealing with a heartbreaking and financially draining health issue,”  Congressman Doyle said.
“Those of us who know more about autism than Michael Savage have a responsibility to call him out on this issue,” Congressman Doyle added.  “If I were a radio station that broadcast his show or a company that sponsored it, I’d certainly reconsider my association with it, and if I were a parent of an autistic child, I’d certainly demand that.”

Talk About Curing Autism (TACA) provides general information of interest to the autism community. The information comes from a variety of sources and TACA does not independently verify any of it. The views expressed herein are not necessarily TACA’s. TACA does not engage in lobbying or other political activities.

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