E-News June 2005

Here is your update on the TACA (TALK ABOUT CURING AUTISM) Group for June 2005 - #1. As always, email your thoughts and/or questions. I want to make this e-newsletter informative for you. Let me know your thoughts on how I can improve it.

If this email is NEW to you and you don't recognize the name... WELCOME! These emails happen two to four times a month for the Southern California autism support group called TACA. As always, email your thoughts and/or questions to us. I want to make this e-newsletter informative for you. Let me know your thoughts on how I can improve it.

Talk About Curing Autism (TACA) provides general information of interest to the autism community. The information comes from a variety of sources and TACA does not independently verify any of it. The views expressed herein are not necessarily TACA’s. We focus on parent information and support, parent mentoring, dietary intervention, the latest in medical research, special education law, reviews of the latest treatments, and many other topics relating to Autism. Our main goal is to build our community so we can connect, share and support each other. TACA has an official web site at: www.tacanow.com


These notices are only sent 3-4 times a year and your help is needed.
Please read this important information and thank you for your help!

Today, Unlocking Autism and the National Vaccine Information Center are rolling out an ad campaign entitled

"Giving Mercury to Children on Purpose is Stupid"

For the second time in 30 days, President Bush refused to issue an Executive Order on May 27, 2005, that would protect pregnant women and children from vaccines containing levels of mercury that exceed federal safety limits for anyone under 500 pounds.

You can see the six print ads on the Unlocking Autism website at www.unlockingautism.org along with three public service announcements that you can launch in your own hometown.

Visit the UA site to find out how you can have the ads placed in your area.  Some ads have already been placed and will begin cropping up this week around the country.
This Tuesday morning, volunteers for UA and NVIC will deliver a packet of information to every Members of Congress about this campaign letting them know that constituents back home will be running these ads and handing out these flyers in their districts. 

On Tuesday June 7th after 12 Noon Eastern Time, we need your help to contact all Members of Congress, President Bush and Laura Bush. (11am central, 10am mountain, 9am pacific).
How can you help back home?: 

Call/Fax Them On Tuesday June 7th AFTER NOON!

  • A) Call your Congressman and both of your Senators to make sure that they received their packets. Very important!!!  Do not call until after noon eastern time on June 7th! Put the number of the Capitol Hill Operator in your cell phone or by your home phone: 202-224-3121.  Operators can connect you to any Member of Congress.  (To find your Congressman visit www.house.gov and to find your Senators visit www.senate.gov)
  • B) Pick out your favorite ad.  Write a letter to President Bush and send your letter along a copy of the ad that you intend to see run in your hometown. Send it to Andrew Card, Chief of Staff via fax at 202-456-1907. To Call Andrew Card's office to let him know what you think of the President's policy dial 202-456-6798. 
  • C) Call Laura Bush's office at 202-456-7064 to let her know what you think about President Bush's policy, too.  If we can't get the President to listen, perhaps the First Lady will. Keep these numbers handy all day.  Call as often as you like.  Call until we say quit.
  • Do not be discouraged if the numbers are busy.  That just means that people across America are responding.  Keep dialing as if you were trying to win $1 million from a radio station.  They need to hear from you.  They need to know your concerns.

    And apparently, they need to hear them again!

    We told them to get temps to answer the phones.  Every call makes an impact. 

If you think giving mercury to children on purpose is stupid...

Let 'er rip.

Have a great day on Tuesday and happy dialing!
Unlocking Autism and the National Vaccine Information Center

We just found out that the Chief of Staff's office has determined that they will possibly be diverting phone calls to the White House Comment line.


Please continue to fax Andrew Card's office at 202-456-1907. Please keep trying to reach Andrew Card's office BUT if you get frustrated...

For those of you who might have your calls diverted to the  White House comment line, and STILL wish to speak with a live person, you are welcome to also call for Yuval Levin, who is the Acting Executive Director of the President's Council on Bioethics.

If you have difficulty getting through to Andrew Card's office but still want to reach a live person, call White House Domestic Policy and ask to speak with Yuval Levin at 202-456-5594. 

Mr. Levin's fax number is 202-456-5557. 

Again, we anticipate that faxes are going through to these offices just fine.

We will be heard on this issue. 

Our concerns are not to be given to a recording only to be deleted and not given the attention they deserve.

If Mr. Levin diverts the calls, we will get you another number.  We will go down the hall as needed to make sure that you as a community have the opportunity to express your opinions.

Unlocking Autism
Giving mercury to children on purpose is stupid.


Parents, families, friends, professionals: Whether you believe in the vaccine autism connection or not – the final determination and words have yet to be spoken. Reports of too much mercury in the air, in tuna fish and other resources are played with great significance but when it comes to vaccines and our children these issues are played down. Bottom line: and thanks to Shelley Hendrix at Unlocking autism – GIVING MERCURY TO CHILDREN ON PURPOSE IS STUPID. And if you think mercury/thimerosal is out of vaccines – you are incorrect. (And further a reason for you to read EVIDENCE OF HARM!!!)

We need to unite in obtaining the research that is deserved for our children – a large percentage of an entire generation – need answers that are good science not affected by pharmaceutical/government policy but science.

The goal of today’s show is to reach out to as many as possible and to focus on the book Evidence of Harm by David Kirby. We need to get the word out to people of the potential risk to many children already affected by neurodevelopment disorders including autism, the ones yet to be diagnosed, and our future generation of children.

Evidence of Harm came out on April 1, 2005 and immediately was catapulted to the NY Times best seller list at 27. Since then the sales have diminished. Amazon.com currently hosts the book at #2,268 in sales. While that is extremely respectable – that won’t help us achieve our goals in getting the word out about this important disorder and answers for the thousands of children. This show is not about increasing sales for David Kirby so he can go to Aruba (sorry David) but to continue the incredible wave of interest for all children started on April 1 st 2005.

The book sits on Barnes & Noble shelves in the MEDICAL section when this important book should be in GENERAL INTEREST section of book stores. We need to get these books out into the hands of interest so more attention to this important matter can sought, important research can be performed, treatment for children can be provided, and saving a future generation of kids can be planned.

On June 8th we are asking you to purchase EOH. We are asking you to ask family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, and as many folks as you can talk to please to do the same. We want not only your family and circle of friends to read this important book but to also get this book to people that could influence our childrens lives for the better.

While I realize families with special needs children are on a tight budget (hello!! I am one) I would not ask you to get involved on this issue unless it was important. For the past five years I have worked for free and no salary for providing families with free education and support. This is the first time I am asking you to open your wallet – it is that important.

Now once you have read the book, your family has read the book and facts are known it is time to get the books in the hands of people of influence. These people focus on specific folks in the media and other individuals that can invoke change for the thousands of families affected.

Key folks on influence include:

  • CNN Health Unit and correspondent: Aaron Brown
  • Oprah Winfrey show –Executive Producer Ellen Rakieten
  • The Charlie Rose Show – Executive Producer Yvette Vega
  • Hardball with Chris Matthews – Senior Producer Kerri Forrest
  • The O’Reilly Factor – Executive Producer Amy Shonen
  • Your legislators on the state and federal level including: Senators, assembly members and Congressional representatives. It is best to hand carry these books to the representative.
  • The White House – either George W. Bush or his wife, Laura
  • Local researchers, doctors
  • The American Academy Pediatrics President Carol Berkowitz, MD, FAAP
    2004-05 President - American Academy of Pediatrics

When you give the book provide some background and information about your child. Personalize the appeal to read the book and create action on behalf of your child. Enclosing pictures of your child would be recommended.

We need to let the world know that the autism we see today –up over 600% over the last 18 years today is preventable and treatable.


1) On Wednesday June 8th – buy a minimum of three Evidence of Harm books from either a Barnes & Noble store, Barnes & Noble.com or www.amazon.com
  • Special Note: If you buy over $25 from Amazon you will not be charged shipping. This gives you the opportunity to buy two or more books
  • If they do not have the book in stock or on hand – special order the book for pick up later.
  • Ask Barnes and Noble staff to put this book on their STAFF RECOMMENDATION with the comments – SAVE A CHILD – GET EDUCATED.

2) Read the book. Have your family and friends read the book.

3) Send at least two books to a person on influence. For a list of those of influence please subscribe to the EOH list at EOHarm-subscribe@yahoogroups.com . Fliers for the June 8th Save a child campaign and list of people of influence can be found on this group for downloading and printing.

4) CALL the people you have sent the book to and follow up with them on contact any people of influence to make a change, call for research and saving a generation of children.


Lisa A Jeff’s mom